Kristi Runyan

Copywriter, Content Specialist, Storyteller.

My goal as a writer for the past 15 years is and has always been to create content that feels like a smart conversation with a friend. I do this by using SEO, conducting research, and interviewing SMEs, all while maintaining your brand style and goals. Check out some of my favorite works here, and feel free to jump to the About and Articles pages to learn more about me and see more of my work in the content marketing and journalism industries.

11 Essential Questions To Ask Before Getting Pet Insurance | MetLife Pet Insurance

Asking these questions can help you figure out what to look for in pet insurance and ensure you find the right fit for you and your pet.
A pet insurance deductible is the dollar amount you have to pay out of pocket as the policyholder before your insurance provider starts reimbursing you for covered expenses — they can be annual or per-incident amounts. The monthly premium is the dollar amount you pay each month to keep your policy active.
These amounts vary depending on the coverage your plan p...

My Dog is Dying and I Can’t Afford a Vet | MetLife Pet Insurance

If your dog suffers an accidental injury or develops a major illness, treatment options can get expensive quickly — whether your dog recovers or passes away. We’ve got answers to a few questions you may be wondering about for these situations.
You could ask your veterinarian’s office about a payment plan. A monthly payment might be more manageable for you than a large lump sum that’s due all at once. This can also apply to costly treatment(s) required for an illness.
With a MetLife Pet Insurance...

Price Per Square Foot: Why It Matters And How It’s Calculated

Price per unit is a concept many people deal with on a regular basis, whether they realize it or not. If you can buy a six-pack of paper towels for $5, or an 18-pack for $14, which one is the better deal?
Of course, comparing homes is a little different than comparing multipacks of consumer goods. Understanding a home’s price per square foot – and what you can learn from that number – can be a bit more complex. Here’s what you should know about the price per square foot of a property.

Price per...

The Best Modular Home Manufacturers

Finding the right builder is a vital part of the process when opting for a modular home. With the right builder, making your modular home dreams come true is more likely. The wrong builder could put a wrench in your modular home plans.

Below are some tips for deciding which modular home manufacturer will build your dream home with the craftsmanship you’re seeking.

The floor plans offered by a modular home builder are arguably the most important factor. For prospective homeowners, the layout an

Data Hygiene 101: A Complete Guide for 2023

By 2025, it’s estimated that the total data volume of connected devices worldwide . And the more data businesses have to process, the more difficult it becomes to manage and ensure its accuracy. This is why you need to have the proper protocols in place to protect data hygiene.
• None How to clean and create a shared data dictionary with Twilio Segment

Data hygiene is the ongoing process of you collect to maintain its integrity and accuracy (e.g., removing duplicate entries, standardizing namin

What is reliable data? How to determine data reliability

There’s a difference between collecting data and being able to guarantee its accuracy. Human error, a disjointed , and no unified policy can easily lead to .

Poor data quality costs organizations nearly . To avoid this, businesses need to focus on how they’re cleaning, consolidating, and managing their data to help them make informed decisions.

To help paint a picture of what data reliability means, in this article, we’ll cover:
• None How to improve data reliability with the experts at Twilio

How Orthopedic Patient Education Improves Outcomes

Discussing the ways orthopedic patient education can improve outcomes by equipping patients with realistic expectations and knowledge about what to expect.

When you were in medical school, you likely noticed a correlation between how much you studied and how well you did on your exams. The same principle applies to patient education and outcomes after a procedure or treatment.

Patient education before an orthopedic procedure covers strategies like details about the procedure, home safety, anti

4 Applications of 3D Printing in Orthopedics

Discover how 3D printing in orthopedics is revolutionizing the industry and benefiting patients and surgeons alike.

Also called additive manufacturing, 3D printing is exciting, cutting-edge technology — but that doesn’t mean it’s out of reach for orthopedic surgeons. A digital file is used to create a physical object by fusing a material together, usually layer by layer, in three-dimensional printing. Traditional printing process manufacturing methods require a mold or a block of material to cr

67 easy Mediterranean diet recipes for beginners

So you’ve decided to try the Mediterranean diet, which is based on the traditional foods of countries like Italy, Spain, and Greece. To help you out, we’ve gathered easy recipes to get you started.

The Mediterranean is less restrictive than other popular diets, like keto or paleo—but dishes still need to focus on vegetables, fruit, whole grains, lean protein, and healthy fats.

Read on for 67 Mediterranean diet recipes full of fresh Mediterranean ingredients and flavors for each meal and snack

5 Ways To Reduce Customer Effort (From Basic to AI)

5 Ways To Reduce Customer Effort (From Basic to AI)

Customers want quick, simple, and satisfying experiences when they engage in customer service interactions.

But often, these exchanges result in extended waits, being transferred from one agent to another multiple times, or having to repeat the same information over and over again. Or when it comes to chatbot services, customers don’t always receive the same assistance as they would with a live agent. Chatbots are in the business of case defl

6 Common SMS Marketing Mistakes (+ How To Fix Them) | Community

This is some text inside of a div block.

Let’s explore six of the most common SMS marketing mistakes and some solutions to fix them.

It doesn’t have to be this way. You can enhance the experience of your consumers on their most valued channel — SMS. Consumers are 209% more responsive to SMS than email or phone calls. By listening to your audience’s wants and needs, brands can engage consumers in a personal way and avoid SMS marketing mistakes.

The message is long, confusing, and completely im

Customer Service Quality Assurance: What It Is & Why It's Important

Customer Service Quality Assurance: What It Is & Why It’s Important

A customer contacts your call center for help using a recently purchased product. After the issue was successfully resolved, they received a survey asking, “On a scale of 1 to 10, how happy were you with your experience today?” They select 9, which reflects your support team’s great processes, right? Not necessarily.

The customer could have selected 9 simply because they love the product, your overall brand, or were in a good

What is first contact resolution (FCR)? Benefits + best practices

Imagine you just bought a new device you’re excited to use. You follow the set-up instructions to a T, but it’s not working. Eventually, you’re left with no option but to call customer service. The agent pinpoints the problem, and boom—you’re on your way.

There’s something to be said about the relief you feel when a customer service rep helps you resolve an issue quickly. You pick up the phone expecting the worst—a long hold time and multiple transfers—and you hang up feeling grateful for the g

Long Covid a syndrome ‘I wouldn’t wish…on my worst enemy’

Czora asked her network if anyone had heard of it or dealt with similar things, and eventually, she was directed to online support groups for people experiencing parosmia and anosmia post-Covid. In those groups, she discovered there were tens of thousands of others already in it who were going through the same things. The distorted sense of smell and taste is called parosmia, while anosmia is used to describe the loss of taste and smell.

Raising money-smart kids

“One pitfall is parents tend to be very wordy when they’re trying to explain, or they get emotional as far as making the kids feel guilty about the value of money and how hard they work,” she said. “The best way to get children to appreciate money is to encourage positive behavior and set up small scenarios for them to be successful with managing money.”

“If we don’t have the money, we don’t spend it,” she said. “I know that translates a lot into what they’re seeing. We’ve been intentional abou

Preserving untarnished wetlands

It was nothing short of serendipity that lead an Amherst couple on a mission of environmental stewardship to recently donate 10 acres of private wetlands to Medaille College. The property, located along Millersport Highway about 25 minutes away from the school, was gifted by Frank and Jeanette Levin and is now a living laboratory for Medaille’s biology department.

“I did this wetlands blurb on the news and somebody saw it,” recounts Bernadette Clabeaux, assistant professor of biology at Medaill

Fun for everyone: Activities tailored to special needs

More initiatives are planned to continue that mission at the museum, which moved to its new Canalside home this spring, including “quiet kits,” which contain items to help children with sensory needs, such as noise-canceling headphones. The museum also provides lots of visual support, and there’s even a therapeutic space with ways to help children calm and focus themselves.

“We’re going to be training everyone, all the full-time and part-time staff and volunteers, on how to be a fully inclusive

Cafeteria cool: Inside local food halls

Best characterized by their convenience-meets-quality approach, food halls add variety to the mix—the concept is, by nature, a collection of multiple eateries—and for many groups, it means there’s something for everyone.The first food hall to hit Buffalo was the Expo Market, which opened in 2016 on Main Street downtown. PK Eats, a “micro” food hall, opened in January on Hertel Avenue.“We can offer fast, fresh food made to order,” said Brandy McLaughlin, general manager of Expo. “We offer differe...

Empowering retirement: Calling your own shots

Two local entrepreneurs have come up with ways to help empower people as they plan for the next stages of their lives. Kohota, a retirement lifestyle planning website and the Final Path, a service that offers legacy planning and end of life consulting, both aim to create a more positive narrative about aging.

“One of the reasons we started this venture was because nobody was really speaking to that audience from a lifestyle perspective,” said Everhart, who lives in Kenmore. “Nobody was talking

What (else) to do on Christmas

For people who don’t celebrate Christmas, December 25 isn’t some sad day with nothing to do. Despite the rest of the world essentially shutting down, they find different ways to enjoy the day.

“We have our own Christmas Day traditions,” said Sharon Kostiner, who’s Jewish and works as membership director at the Jewish Community Center of Greater Buffalo. “In my working life, the JCC is open Christmas Day from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. I was always the one who would volunteer to work for part of the day—o
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"Kristi's ability to capture the essence of our company's value proposition and effectively communicate our messaging was truly remarkable. Her dedication to understanding our brand and target audience allowed her to create engaging and informative blog posts that resonated with our readers. She consistently produced high-quality content that not only showcased her writing prowess but also helped strengthen our online presence and build credibility.

One of Kristi's outstanding strengths is her research skills. She consistently went above and beyond in gathering relevant and up-to-date information, ensuring that her blog posts were well-informed and accurate. Whether it was diving deep into industry trends, interviewing experts, or analyzing market data, Kristi always delivered well-researched and insightful articles that brought immense value to our readers."

Ryan Radcliff, Sr. Product Marketing Manager at SupportLogic